Monday, April 13, 2009

Welcome to the Revolution!

We're in danger...imminent danger, and its getting worse every day. Men and women of the mind are being eradicated in frightening numbers, and all the while, government is tightening the noose of control over privately-owned businesses. They say "jump" and more and more cattle line up for the feeding. What we have in our country today is not just an incredibly unique situation, but an OPPORTUNITY, for the best in all of us to finally take a stand against apathy, against the death of self-education, against the fop who would praise private industry with one hand and use the other to supplant it in an attempt to bring about the genesis of its execution. There are tea parties going on all over the country right now, protesting tax hikes and BAD government spending habits. In this blog, we'll cover everything from movie reviews to tech advice, lol, but what I want to focus MOSTLY on is the REVOLUTIONARY notion that people of the mind, the inventors and the people who ARE the motor of the world, CAN stand up and fight this THING, this government who wants to take you and your work and make it EVERYONE else's...this "government" that has gotten too big for its own britches, and creates money we DON'T HAVE to throw at problems and businesses that through bad practices should in truth be left alone to DIE. The time has come, my friends, to finally make a stand for what we believe in, one single point at a time. My name is Kyle, and we welcome souls of ALL beliefs and affiliations to voice their opinions here. Debate is healthy, and I will begin posting links to this blog in as MANY places as I can find to do so. We can no longer afford to wait, the buffoons had their chance. Its time we had ours. 

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